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samedi 25 avril 2020

The Truth About Direct Selling And Recession

The Truth About Direct Selling And Recession

Direct Selling and Recession
Direct Selling and recession have been on everyone’s minds these days, given the unprecedented economic situation caused by Covid-19. And so, the most important question has become – “Should I start a direct selling business now, given the state of the economy? Read on to find out the answer, and the truth about direct selling during a recession.

Direct Selling During An Economic Downturn

Whether we are currently heading into a 2008 style recession or not, it’s important to be prepared and to have a plan when it comes to your business. Times are uncertain, and we are all feeling grief at the loss of our freedoms but you can be sure of one thing – direct sales and network marketing are recession-proof opportunities. You will not be laid off, and you will not have to face the uncertainties that come from unemployment. And just like during normal economic times, your success depends solely on how much you put into the business.

Why A Recession Could Mean Direct Selling Success

If you’re worried about whether you should spend any time on your QNET business or if you should focus on retail customers, here’s our answer. While things may seem uncertain, there are few consequences that come from a recession that a direct seller can use to their advantage.

1. Need For Additional Income

Recessions traditionally mean a loss of jobs and a lot of uncertainty regarding your next paycheck. When we hit upon times like these, you will find a massive number of people who are suddenly interested in alternate ways to earn money to keep their families fed. This means that you will find a lot of people who are looking for new opportunities, especially people who were previously uninterested in your business plan.

2. The Attraction Of Low Overheads

Uncertain economic times inspire people to find opportunities that require low overheads. Direct selling is perfect as it does not require a lot of capital, and also allows budding entrepreneurs a chance to establish their own working hours. This is one of the only businesses around where you can earn more money based purely on your hard work, rather than on the amount of time and money you put into it.

3. Rewards, Rewards, Rewards

Whatever capital and time you put into direct selling, you will be rewarded according to your hard work and success. This means that you not only earn commissions, you can be a Rank Advancement pro, and reap the benefits that come from being in an elite group of direct sellers. In QNET, we call this group the Achievers Club. Our compensation plan is well suited to reward your successes, recession or not.

4. The QNET Advantage

QNET offers you all of these benefits PLUS the guarantee of quality products that elevate your life. Be it through a certified virus and bacteria eliminating water filter, the HomePure Nova, or any of our range of health and wellness products that help keep your absolute living goals, or even our holiday packages that will be great for post-Covid reunions worldwide, all QNET products are designed with you in mind. This means that you will not have as much trouble convincing people to buy QNET products and earn commissions during a recession as well.

Things To Prioritise During Lockdown

We need to make a direct selling and recession plan that will see us through the tough times, even if we never have a chance to use it. Call your team and figure out what your strategy should be if people are only accessible remotely or through screens. It is solely up to you whether you focus on retail or on recruiting.
At the end of the day, direct selling is a person-to-person business, and success doesn’t come if you tread into the industry solo or silent. Keep talking to people, have a list of reasons ready on why people should be part of direct selling – now more than ever, and keep trying to reach your direct selling goals. If you’ve already come up with a direct selling and recession-proof plan, leave us a comment and let us know. We’re with you every step of the way.

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